Base: GangWars LootCrates
GangWars LootCrates are NFTs that hold an assortment of in-game assets such as weapons, items, and sneak moves, which can be traded among players. These LootCrates come in various types, each with a different set of drops, and can be either bought, sold, or claimed by burning them to acquire their contents. The availability of different types of LootCrates depends on specific conditions.
Each LootCrate will have its own possible list of assets and their drop chances which will define the probability of the assets being dropped. These are the LootCrates that can be won as a reward for winning a Base: GangWar. There are different wars with varying participation fees (Free, $2, $6, and $8).
70% of this total participation fees pool will be distributed among the winning team, 10% will be distributed among the original GangstaBet stakers on ICON (Know more about GangstaBet NFT Staking here), 10% will go to scheduling gas fees and 10% will be charged as platform fee.
Note: For the release month, we are giving 10% platform fee to the winning team. Hence, 80% of the total participation fees will be given to the winning team for the first month of release.
Based on these participation fees, the LootCrates won will have different rewards which are listed below.
- Free LootCrate: These LootCrates can be obtained by winning wars that are Free-to-join.
2. $2 LootCrate — These LootCrates can be obtained by winning wars that have $2 as a joining fee.
3. $6 LootCrate — These LootCrates can be obtained by winning wars that have $6 as a joining fee.
4. $8 LootCrate — These LootCrates can be obtained by winning wars that have $8 as a joining fee.
Apart from these crates, there are other crates that can be won by different participants in a team.
- Annihilator LootCrate — A reward crate for the highest damage dealer in a GangWar. It contains in-game assets which increase the damage output. (Can only be won in GangWars with more than 5 players). The winner will get one of these items.
2. SOS LootCrate — A reward crate for the player who provides the highest heals in a GangWar. It contains in-game assets which provide more heals. (Can only be won in GangWars with more than 5 players). The winner will get one of these items.
3. MVP LootCrate — A reward crate for the highest contributing player — in terms of causing damage to the opponents as well as healing their teammates. (can only be won in GangWars with 5 or less than 5 players). The winner will get one of these items.