Emerald City Gameplay

5 min readSep 8, 2022


Emerald City is more than just a gamified-virtual city. It aims to become the perfect blend of a digital collectible and a game in the new economy. Our vision is to build community-owned & community-led cities of gangsters and detectives with vibrant economies.

What started as a Digital Collectible of the Future is now turning into a Digital Ecosystem of the Future.

In this post, we want to share some innovative approaches and gameplays that will be part of the Emerald City & Gangstaverse.

Gangstabet Ecosystem:

There will be two forms of interactive platforms (or games) in the Gangstabet ecosystem — Idle for web3 natives and Active for web2 users. The primary goal of the idle platforms is the production of assets — NFTs & tokens, whereas the aim of the active games is fun; there will be some overlaps. This means that web3 users will be in control of the production & supply of the assets, which can be used in the interactive games within the Gangstabet ecosystem.

Web3 native users are hardcore users who understand digital assets in NFTs, liquidity, staking, DEX, etc. This knowledge is essential for production since the users need to have control over their assets and the supply needs to be transparent via smart contracts. The core team cannot produce them, or it becomes a web2 platform again.

Web2 native users, so far, do not care about digital assets but have the largest share of the market (billions of gamers). They participate and play games because they are fun, engaging, or challenging. We want them to join in the Gangstabet universe, but there is massive friction with web3 setup & interactions and the need to understand blockchains, crypto, wallets, etc.

We want to create interactive platforms and games for both types of users with an eventual goal of user-controlled digital assets & community-owned ecosystem. Our focus will be on creating a platform for the production of assets and web & mobile games for users to play the game without caring about NFTs or tokens. Our vision is to intersect the two types of users and bring them together to become web3 natives.

Imagine an idle game on the Emerald City but with several mobile games using gangsters, detectives, civilians, lands, and more assets.

Architecture of the ecosystem (draft-only)

Glimpse of Gameplay:

  • The ultimate goal of the game is — control. Gangsters and Detectives fighting to control or capture lands. High-level NFTs can control more territory, and rare NFTs can hold over a longer period.
  • The lands controlled or captured by the two types will determine the majority control in a particular district. It determines the rewards distributed to the owners & capturers and also the CROWN required to upgrade their lands. E.g., If your District is gangster-controlled and a gangster captures your land, then upgrading your land will be cheaper than a detective-controlled area.
  • The system and gameplay will be dynamic, with various strategies to earn rewards, create coalitions and manufacture new assets.
  • Owning several adjacent lands will be beneficial as it will bring in more rewards and the ability to name the real estate. The overview map will show the real estate name on several zoom levels. E.g., a real estate name can appear on the main map if it has 100 adjacent lands, whereas 10 adjacent lands can have the name shown at a higher zoom level.
  • Ownership and controlling of lands will bring rewards from Civilian journeys. Civilian journeys not only bring in CROWN rewards but also new forms of NFTs — Element NFT.

Glimpse of Civilian gameplay:

  • Civilians are critical components of the Emerald City.
  • Each Civilian has their own nationality and is associated with a particular district.
  • Classes, district population, and type determine the best way they can earn more rewards and Element NFTs. They can migrate to other districts for a better opportunities, but each district’s population will determine the cost of migrating.
  • Civilian journeys are sources of Element NFTs. The Element NFTs can be crafted to create items that can be used in the Idle and Active games. There will be a lot to share about crafting economics in the future.
  • Rare elements can be found when journeying in rare zones. The rare elements can be used to craft rare items.

Emerald City = Real City

Our goal is also to connect Emerald City to an actual city in the world. To accomplish this, we will create a dynamic area in the city where the assets will change based on the actual city to which it is mapped. Other aspects of the Emerald City will also update, like timezone, etc.

Every month, a CROWN auction will map the Emerald City to a real city (New York, Tokyo, London, New Delhi, Kathmandu, Frankfurt, etc.). After the auction, the winner will receive a unique NFT placed in Emerald City. There will be an economic benefit to owning those assets during that month.

Every year, there will be 12 cities that Emerald City will associate with a unique asset created from those cities.

We are still developing the gameplay and concepts of both the Idle and Active games, but we want the community to participate during the process. This is the direction we are heading, and we would love to get feedback and suggestions along the way.

To mint Land Certificates, follow this Step-by-step guide to mint Land Ownership Certificate.




🕵️ Next-gen digital collectible on ICON transitioning into a Web3 game — https://gangstaverse.co/