GangWars: Introducing Primary and Secondary Stats

5 min readMar 20, 2023

GangstaBets fall into one of two types: Gangsters and Detectives. Each of these types has its own unique classes with each class having its own set of skills called “GangstaBet Skills” which are upgraded by burning GBET tokens.

The In-Game stats for each GangstaBet is determined by mapping their skills to specific in-Game stat which have multipliers based on their NFT types. We will go through each in-Game stat and explain how it works in the context of the game.

Primary Stats

These are the stats mapped from the skills of GangstaBets.

Strength (STR)

Strength (also referred to as STR) is a stat that influences the HP (Health Points) and melee damage dealt by the GangstaBet character in GangWars. Higher your strength, the more damage you can sustain or the more physical damage you can deal.

Accuracy (ACC)

Accuracy (also referred to as ACC) is a stat that influences the Hit Rate (the chance of a successful attack) and Crit Rate (the chance of dealing critical damage). Additionally, in the case of GangstaBets with default weapons, the same ACC also determines the damage that is dealt. These Hit Rate and Crit Rate values will be added to the weapon’s inherent Hit Rate and Crit Rate.

Mastery (MAS)

Mastery (also referred to as MAS) is an in-game stat that influences the Ammo/Durability of the weapon equipped. Besides this, some weapons will also have a MAS requirement, meaning that the GangstaBet character must reach a certain MAS point in order to equip some specific weapons. Mastery also plays a minor role in influencing the Hit Rate and Crit Rate of the NFT.

Agility (AGI)

Agility (also referred to as AGI) is an in-game stat that influences the Dodge Rate (chance of dodging an incoming attack) and the Speed (a value that determines if the character gets selected for an event or not) of the character.

Luck (LUK)

Luck (also referred to as LUK) is an in-game stat that influences the Support Equipment Effectiveness and Support Equipment Trigger Chance.

How the Classes and Skills affect the In-Game Stats

GangstaBets have different classes depending on whether it is a Gangster or a Detective. Those classes each have their own unique skill list as shown below.

Skill distribution based on different GangstaBet Class

Each of these skills affects the In-Game stat in a certain way. The chart below shows how GangstaBet’s inherent skill affects the In-Game Stat.

GangstaBet Skills — GangWars In-Game Stats Mapping

Secondary Stats

These skills are derived from the primary stats.


This is the stat that shows the health points of the GangstaBet. A GangstaBet is considered dead when its Health falls down to zero.

This stat is mainly dependent on the primary stat STR (other primary stat will also provide a small boost)

Every successful incoming attack will reduce the health of the GangstaBet.

This is a unique stat that can only be upgraded by upgrading the GangstaBet’s skills or by using in-game items.

Ammo / Durability modifier

Ammo / Durability will determine the number of times the weapon equipped by the GangstaBet can be used. This stat is tied to the equipped weapon and will be reduced after every hit based on the weapon used. When the Ammo / Durability is reduced to zero the weapon will be unusable and the GangstaBet will resort to their Default Weapon.

This stat is mainly dependent on the primary stat MAS.

This stat will modify the base Ammo/ Durability of the equipped weapon.

This stat can be upgraded by upgrading the GangstaBet’s skills.


Speed will determine which GangstaBets from a team will be taking part in an event during the game ie. it allows the GangstaBet to deal damage/ receive damage

This stat is mainly dependent on the primary stat AGI.

A GangstaBet will start the battle with Speed calculated using the Primary Stats but the value will change based on the events.

This stat can be upgraded by upgrading the GangstaBet’s skills or by using in-game items.

Hit Rate

Hit Rate determines the chance of a character successfully damaging an opponent.

This stat is mainly dependent on the primary stat ACC.

This % value is checked every time a player uses their weapon and in case of a successful check, it will be counted as a successful attack.

The final value of this stat will be modified based on the weapon equipped during the GangWar. However, Hit Rate can also be upgraded by upgrading the GBET’s skills or by using in-game items.

Dodge Rate

The Dodge rate determines the chance of a character dodging an incoming attack.

This stat is mainly dependent on the primary stat AGI

This % value is checked every time a character is set to take damage and in case of a successful check, the attack damage will be completely negated.

This is a unique stat that can only be upgraded by upgrading GBETs by using GBET tokens or by using in-game items.

Note: Dodge Rate and Hit Rate have a unique relation, ie. a target can still dodge an attack even if the Hit Rate check is successful.

Crit Rate

Crit Rate determines the chance of an attacker dealing a critical hit after a successful attack. A critical hit will deal 200% of the base damage.

This stat is mainly dependent on the primary stats ACC and MAS.

This % check is done after every successful attack and in case of a successful check will register as a Critical Hit.

The final value of this stat will be modified based on the weapons equipped during the GangWar. However, Crit Rate can also be upgraded by upgrading the GBET’s skills or by using in-game items.

Equipped Melee Damage modifier

This is a damage modifier for a melee weapon’s base damage. This stat is primarily dependent on the STR stat.

This damage modifier will be added to the weapon equipped by the GangstaBet.

Support Effectiveness modifier

This stat will act as a modifier for the effectiveness of support equipment. This stat is dependent on the primary stat LUK.

This % value will be added to the support equipment’s base value.

Support Trigger Chance modifier

This stat will act as a modifier for the trigger chance of the default support equipment of the GangstaBet. This stat is dependent on the primary stat LUK.

This % value will be added to the support equipment’s base value.




Written by GangstaVerse

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